
New Year New Post New Photos by Mike Daclan

My last post was back in October of 2013.  This is completely unacceptable.  Updates need to happen more frequently and with some consistency.  I've always wanted a place to share my photos so why not use this resource that's been available the whole time?  

Reflection of Religion

Although I have been taking a lot of pictures since my last update, they often wind up on my Flickr page with little to no fanfare to those I really want to see the images.  It becomes an archive in a gallery way off the main street that not a lot of people actually see.  Only those that are down that alley for a purpose end up seeing these photos. 

Mask.  Flammable.

Over the next few weeks I'm going to be catching up on my backlog of photos and posting and sharing here along with some stories about particular photos.  I've made it a resolution that over the new year I'm going to be more active in my photography.  Both in taking pictures and making sure that this blog/site gets updated with more images.  

Golden State.

These latest images are from early October when my friend Cliff came into town.  He's a great photographer and was here in Los Angeles for a few jobs.  While in town we spent a morning/afternoon walking through downtown Los Angeles and Old Town Pasadena.  Going out for a photo walk by yourself is always a great experience but going out with a friend, and one who hasn't gone street shooting in your city is an even greater experience.  You get a different perspective with fresh eyes looking at the city and you can both approach the same shot in different ways.  If you ever get a chance to meet up with someone from out of town for a photo walk I highly recommend it!


Hope everyone has a great 2014 and cheers to a photo filled year!

LACMA by Mike Daclan

A quick walk around the museum and the Tar Pits in the late afternoon provided some great lighting for photos.  I'm trying a few new techniques in my post processing with Lightroom and Silver Efex Pro which I've been happy with but needs a little more refinement.  


Mother & Child



Man & Mammoth


Reading Break

Fashion District Street Shots by Mike Daclan

Many weekends involve my girlfriend and I heading down to the fashion district while she shops for fabric to use on various projects.  This provides me with an ample amount of time to walk around and capture what's going on in the streets.

There's a lot to take in and the streets are usually crowded during the weekends which is both good and bad.  It does provide plenty of opportunities for great shots BUT with the increased crowd you have to deal with narrower windows of time to get a good shot.  

I still have a long way to go with these shots.  I'd like to get straight profile photos of people but it's going to take time to get to that point.  For now I hope you enjoy these! 

Chinatown Stop

Shoe Adjustment 


Electrical Box


A Cautious Step

Corner Sales